Ran Qianping
发布时间:2019-02-26   浏览次数:1306




Political status

Member of China Democratic National Construction Association

Research Areas

(1)Interface interaction and regulation of advanced polymer/ cementitious materials.

(2)Design and synthesis of organic/inorganic hybrid nano-particles and it microstructure regulation of cementitious materials.

(3)Preparation and application of advanced building chemical functional materials.

RAN Qianping

Professor, Doctoral Supervisor

Personal Introduction:

RAN Qianping1973-, Male, Professor, Doctoral supervisor, Chief scientist of State Key Laboratory of High Performance Civil Engineering Materials, Winner of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, selected as scientific and technological innovation leader of “National High-level personnel of special support program”, “National Young and Middle-aged Leading Scientists”, national candidate of “New Century Hundred, Thousand, Ten Thousand Talents Project”, Young and Middle-aged Chief Scientist of “333 Project of Jiangsu Province”, etc. He has won many honors, such as expert receiving “State Council Special Allowance”, Qiushi Outstanding Youth Award for Achievements Transformation, National Award for Youth in Science and Technology, National Young and Middle-aged Expert with Remarkable Contributions, Innovation Medal of Jiangsu Province, Young and Middle-aged Expert with Remarkable Contributions of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing science and technology achievements, etc.

Focusing on the research of the basic theory of interface design and microstructure control of cement-based cementitious materials and advanced chemical functional materials, he has undertaken or participated in more than 20 research projects including projects of “973” National Fundamental Program, and theresearch achievement have been applied in more than 100 national key and major projects, including Tianwan nuclear power plant, Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway, Three gorges dam and Hong kong-zhuhai-macao bridge. He has been granted more than 180 patents of invention including 4 PCT. He has published more than 80 scientific papers indexed by SCI. He has co-drafted 8 industry standards. He has been awarded second class of State Technological Invention Award, second class of State Scientific and Technological Progress Award, first class of Ministerial and Provincial-Level Scientific and Technological Progress Award (5 times), one silver prize of Chinese patent and four excellence awards.

Join Us

Students of chemistry, non-metallic materials (cement or concrete), polymer materials and other relevant major are welcome to apply for the master's or doctoral degree. Welcome above specialized doctor graduate to join the research group with the postdoctoral status. Young scholars with postdoctoral experience are welcome to apply for various talent programs.